Why It’s Important.
Color photography really exploded in the 1950’s with cameras becoming affordable for the average person. By the end of the 50’s nearly every home had a camera and started documenting everyday events. This trend continued well into the 1990’s and was eventually replaced by digital cameras, and now our phones.
The problem with film photography is the technology to increase the longevity of prints was never really invested in. A typical color print starts to experience color fade within 10 years, with major fading in 20-30 years.
Black and white prints as well as negatives typically have a much longer life expectancy however they are extremely sensitive to the environment. Due to environmental factors (exposure to heat, humidity and Light), the average lifespan is greatly reduced.
This is the time to get the pictures scanned and prevent further fading and damage. In addition prints are very sensitive to environment they are stored in. They are one basement flood away or kitchen fire away from complete loss*.
While I’m sure computer and file storage will continue to evolve over the years and our current environment in regards to technology, will look vastly different in the next 20-30 years. I am 100% confident the scans we do today, will be supported, if anything enhancements and restoration technologies are going to make them better.
*If you have water or smoke damaged pictures please contact me for a custom quote on possible restoration scans.